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    Kristine Deworocki, M.S., CCC-SLP is a speech-language pathologist, resource creator, and small business owner with extensive experience in using cooking and hands-on activities to support communication development. She is the founder of Live Love Speech LLC, where she designs innovative therapy resources for SLPs, educators, and parents. Kristine is also the author of Visual Recipe Cards, a tool that bridges language learning and cooking.

    Kristine’s expertise include early childhood development, play-based therapy, and parent coaching and training, providing families with practical strategies to support their child’s communication at home. She has presented at numerous professional conferences and platforms, including ChattED, Autism Savvy SummitBright Ideas Media, and SLP ToolKit Summer Camp. Her workshops and presentations provide practical, engaging strategies to help children improve their communication skills through interactive and hands-on activities.

    Kristine currently resides in New Jersey with her husband, son, and miniature dachshund. She is passionate about inspiring both kids and adults to have fun, create memories, and learn through cooking.

    Topics Kristine frequently presents on are:

    • Integrating Cooking and Practical Life Skills into Classroom Learning
    • Using Cooking Activities in Speech Therapy
    • Creating Language-Rich Environments through Hands-On Learning

      If there is a topic you do not see listed, please contact me to discuss more. Kristine presents on a wide variety of topics related to these areas.