What activities do you all have planned for the month of March?! More specifically, are you planning any exciting St. Patrick’s Day activities? I wanted to share with you a bunch of the ideas and activities I plan on using throughout the month of March.
As you can see in the picture above, my students will be reading the book, There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Clover. I will be incorporating the AWESOME companion pack which was created by Jenna from Speech Room News! The packet includes activities for my language AND articulation students. My students love this series of books so I’m sure this will be a hit!
We will also be reading the book, The Luckiest St. Patrick’s Day Ever! If you haven’t heard of or read this book, it is absolutely adorable! It is perfect for elementary school students. I am going to do two different activities to go along with the book. First, my students will be making Scented Shamrocks! I found this craft last year while browsing the internet. My students will each get a printed shamrock. Next, they will color them green and cut them out. Then, they spread glue all over their shamrocks. Next comes the fun part! The students will sprinkle lime Jell-O onto their shamrocks and TA DA..SCENTED SHAMROCKS! You can find all the specific details on how to make a scented shamrock HERE.
Here is an activity I will be using with my articulation kiddos along with The Luckiest St. Patrick’s Day Ever! First, we will read the book as a group. Next, each student will get a sheet of blank shamrocks. My groups will work together going through the book and looking for words or phrases with their speech sounds to write on their shamrocks. Finally, the students will color and decorate their shamrocks however they would like. I haven’t decided yet, but I think we will cut them out and make a St. Patty’s Day booklet. Perfect for carryover!!
This activity is perfect for younger students and can be used to target ANY goal. Each student gets a rainbow sheet (I just searched for a rainbow coloring sheet in google and came across this one.) You can use either dot art markers or chips (depends on how “responsible” your students can be!) Here are some examples of how to use this sheet: Each time a student names two rhyming words, speech sound words, or answers “wh” questions, he/she can dot or place chips on “X” number of spots. ALTERNATIVE: Students take turns rolling the dice and place that number of chips or dot that number of spots after they complete the given task.
Last but certainly not least, we will be using my Shamrock Articulation for R, S, and L {FREEBIE}. The adorable cupcake cards each contain words and phrases. Students can play this game like memory or use the cards for drill. You can grab this activity HERE!
Hope you enjoy this post and are able to use some of the ideas listed here!!