How to Use a "SNACK + STORY" to Support Communication Skills

How to Use a "SNACK + STORY" to Support Communication Skills

 As parents, SLPs, educators, or caregivers, we are always on the lookout for creative and effective ways to support communication skills and language development. One awesome method that combines the joy of storytelling with a tasty treat is my "Snack & Story" approach. In this blog post, we'll explore how this dynamic duo can be a SUPER tool in connecting LIFE SKILLS with LITERACY!


 The Magic of "Snack & Story"

Why is the "Snack & Story" approach so effective in promoting speech and language development? Let's uncover the magic:

1. Captivating Engagement:

  • Stories have a unique ability to capture a kid's imagination. They transport kids to different worlds, introduce new concepts, and stimulate curiosity.
  • Snacks, on the other hand, pique their interest with delicious flavors and textures. The promise of a tasty treat can make any learning activity exciting.

2. Contextual Learning:

  • Stories provide a meaningful context for language. They introduce new words, phrases, and concepts within a narrative that's relatable to kids.
  • Snack time creates a real-world context for communication. Children learn to express their preferences, ask for more, or describe the taste and texture of the snack.

3. Vocabulary Expansion:

  • Stories often expose kids to a broader vocabulary, helping them learn new words and their meanings.
  • Snack discussions provide opportunities for kids to use and reinforce this vocabulary in practical, real-life scenarios.

4. Encourages Social Interaction:

  • Sharing a story and snack fosters social interaction. Kids learn turn-taking, listening, and team work skills.
  • Group sessions promote peer interactions, helping kids generalize their speech and language skills in a social context.


Creating Your Own "Snack & Story" Session

Now, let's dive into how to create your own "Snack & Story" session to support speech and language skills...

1. Choose a Theme: Select a theme that aligns with either the kid's interests or with the classroom teacher. For example, you can choose themes like "Animals," "Weather," or "Friendship."

2. Pick the Perfect Story: Find a book that fits your chosen theme. Make sure it's age-appropriate and engaging. Look for opportunities to emphasize target sounds, vocabulary, or basic concepts.

3. Visuals: Gather or create visuals related to the theme. Visuals can help reinforce vocabulary and concepts introduced in the story. *Use a Visual Recipe when making your snack too!*

4. The Snack Selection: Choose a snack or no-cook recipe that complements your theme. For example, "Pumpkin Patch Dirt Cups" for a Halloween/pumpkin theme or "S'mores on a Stick" for a camping theme. **Always remember to check with parents and/or teachers regarding dietary restrictions and allergies.**

5. Storytelling and Discussion:

  • Read the story aloud, emphasizing target sounds or vocabulary. Pause to discuss the story, asking questions that encourage the child to express themselves and use target words.
  • Encourage active listening and participation by prompting the child to predict what happens next or retell parts of the story.

6. Snack-Time Conversations: Enjoy the snack together. Use this time for conversations related to the story, the theme, or simply to encourage communication.


This "Snack & Story" approach offers a super fun and effective way to support communication skills in children. It taps into their natural curiosity, provides meaningful context for language, and encourages social interaction. So, whether you're a parent, educator, SLP or caregiver, consider adding a dash of creativity to your classroom lessons, speech sessions or at home by incorporating this dynamic duo into your child's routine. 

Need some more inspiration?!

Every Sunday over on Instagram ( and Facebook (Live Love Speech), I share the perfect SNACK + STORY pairings to make your life easier!  If you are ready to be inspired and prepared, then head over and FOLLOW and/or LIKE my pages.



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